Sunday, November 17, 2013

Date night with my little

I had date night with Maddox last night. Well afternoon and night. My hub and a buddy went to cheer on ASU. Go Sundevils!

We didn't do anything spectacular but we just got to be together and I just cherish those moments. You might be thinking, uhm, you are a sahm and stay home with him all day so big deal. Well, this is true, but it was just our special night. We went to Starbucks and got tea and cakepops. I got 2, but didn't get one of them :) I have a sweet lover and that is ok.

We then went to Goodwill. I was on a hunt for frames but ended up hunting for Disney gear for our upcoming trip. I scored a bib for Maddox, a sweatshirt for my mom and 2 t-shirts for me! Yippee! Who can beat it?  I think I spent all of $7 for all of it thanks to half price day. Who knew the Goodwill has half price days?

We came home, made frozen pizza and had a messy dinner. All through dinner Mad kept saying "thank you" because he loved his food so much. That just melts my heart. I hope that is always so gracious.

I let him play in a big bubble bath for entirely too long and then we played with cars and balls, and watched Christmas movies till bed time. Lots of snuggling and kisses were had and I was one happy mama.

I am so blessed and thankful that he chose me to be his mama. I am so blessed and thankful that my husband affords me to be able to stay home with him every day. I am just so blessed that I am so thankful.

Kisses and snuggles with your almost 2 year old are just what life is all about. If you don't have children, borrow one for a day. Your perspective and life will change. They are pretty freakin amazing!


Friday, November 15, 2013

Five on Friday in Phoenix AZ


I am posting up to 2 link up's today. So let me first say this: HI! I'm Tish. I am married to my best friend and have quite possibly the world's cutest little boy. I could be biased though ;) HA. I am a Missouri-Vegas transplant to Phoenix, Arizona. I am a stay at home mama and pinterest junkie. If I had to sum myself up...well, I would be a "Burberry met Starbucks at the thrift store" kinda gal. Nice to meet you!

Little man and I had such a good time at the Children's Museum today even though it was super crowded and I didn't see as many helpers helping as usual. Love when he can touch everything and not get into trouble for it. Can I get an Amen?!

Tomorrow is 50% off day at the Goodwill and I am hitting up my local store. I think I might do some painting this weekend. I love some of the ideas I have seen using frames and bells. I will let you know if I find some goodies. Can't beat a DIY that is nearly free.
My family decided to do a gift exchange this year instead of buying for everyone. Little ones excluded of course. I like this idea and it makes it much more simple to shop! We each write 5 things we would like that are around a certain price and give everyone the list. Who you draw remains a secret till you open your gift. Or get it in the mail ;) Easy peasy, Christmas done breezy!

Thanksgiving really gets the shaft doesn't it? I LOVE Thanksgiving. It seems that every one is so excited for Halloween and then they jump right to Christmas. Poor Turkey Day gets the back burner. I am guilty too and I am wanting to listen to Christmas music all day (BTW PHX, 99.9 started playing it!) ...and put up décor but we are not. We are celebrating Thanksgiving. Here are a couple super cute treats I plan to incorporate.

I also made these little toilet paper trees. One for each "grammy" and one for us. Super cute and easy craft for the kids... then us mamas wrapped the "trunk" in yarn while the kiddos played.

Nice to meet you all...
Till next time!

Thursday, November 14, 2013


You GUYS! I scored the best little finds today! I HAD to share.

You need to go see if they are still available and get one for yourself or the ladies in your life! Cents of Style has these amazing scarves for a terrific price plus free shipping. Add the code CHEVRON2 at checkout and these $26 scarves are only ...$7.95.

Also, I am sipping on a Carmel Brulee Frap right now.... and it tastes even sweeter since it was free :) They are offering BOGO holiday drinks till the 18th.

Fa la la la la!


Saturday, November 9, 2013

Five on Friday- Er,Saturday. Who's counting?

Better late than never with a blog link up right?
So let Five on Friday commence:

I went to my first shooting range last night with some lovely ladies. We had a lot of fun. It was an indoor range and we picked out silly targets. Two of the gals I went with packed their own heat, the other 3 of us went hoping for instruction :)

Today was an Ikea trip for a new high chair for little man. His "baby" one was beat up and they have wipeable plastic chairs for $15. Uhm, yes please! But who am I kidding? We walked out spending far more than that. We had a cart full. Yikes!

We took little man to his first Suns game of the season. Ate at The Hard Rock Café and then hit the game. We were pretty nervous about taking him to dinner mostly since he is likely the worlds worst dining companion, but he surprised us and did fantastic. That great mood lasted throughout the game and date night with my two guys was perfect.

We just booked the spot for Maddox's 2nd birthday party. we went pretty low key and are letting someone else do pretty much everything since we will just be getting back from Disney the day before. I even did online invites. Does this make me a bad mom? I definitely am not living up to my pinterest boards with this, but I know Maddox and the kids will have fun and it will be super stress free. I have cute gift bags that I am putting together too, so that is as about homemade as this party is getting.

For the longest time I didn't really paint my finger nails. I would occasionally get the bug to do it, but it was not a constant thing. They were always manicured and I used a clear to make them shine, but color was too much. As of late, I am LOVING this new color I stumbled upon.
It is an Essie I found at TJ Maxx, called Miss Fancy Pants. And y'all, it is about the perfect shade for me. It is the ideal neutral. Beige, gray, taupe. P E R F E C T.
I have been wearing it every. single. day.


Thursday, November 7, 2013

The waiting game

Everyone around me.. and that I read about seems to be pregnant. Does that just happen when you want a baby?

I am genuinely happy for each one of them. I really am. I am genuinely happy for each one of you.

I am just a little sad for me. I know that things happen when they are meant to happen. I know that when it is time for us to have a second child, it will happen. I just wish I got to choose when.

Maddox loves babies so much. He has to go see each of them he sees and he repeats baby with  a huge cheesy grin until the said baby is gone. He picks out all of his baby items and lets us know those are for babies too. But he does it with such happiness that we know he just would be such a good big brother.

We will wait. Dream of pink and blue. And be happy for each of you.


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

A quickie

A quick picture dump to fill the days ;)

That has been the haps around here. More soon lovelies!

Make it a great day!


Sunday, November 3, 2013

Trick or Treat

Our first trick or treating experience was a fun and memorable one :)

We went to a block party with friends in a neighborhood near us. It was potluck style so I brought my ever popular and easy crockpot meatballs. Super simple yet terribly yummy. We nibbled a bit and then when it got darker, we proceeded to trick or treat around the neighborhood.

Maddox was really unsure about what was going on, and the whole process of it all, BUT he loved the candy. Eating it and grabbing it. Seriously, who let's a one year old grab candy? Several older folks would just put the dish out and tell him to "just take one". Uhmmmmm I did a lot of putting back and apologizing needless to say.

One lady really got to me though. Maddox has a lot of words in his little vocab but try as I might, "trick or treat" just isn't a phrase he says. He was really goo about please, thank you and bye though.
Anyway, she and her husband held the bowl out for the kids to choose their candy. Maddox waited his turn and when they got to him, he reached his tiny hand for the bowl and they took it away and demanded that he say "Trick or Treat".  I looked at them in disbelief. I then took a deep breath and explained that he was not even 2 years old and that he didn't know how to say that yet. They just looked at me. They reluctantly put the bowl back out and he got his candy, said thank you and bye and we walked away before I punched them. Some people are really lacking in social acceptance. He was polite. He was little. What more do they want? Sigh.


Here is my little tiny boy last Halloween. How precious is this tush? HAHHAHAA. He will kill me in his teen years.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Five on Friday

Five on Friday Link Up:

Here goes nothin'.....

I have been sick. Ugh. Don't you hate it? I am still not sure why there isn't some sort of immunity for all the mothers of the world. I DO NOT HAVE TIME FOR THIS JUNK. Am I right and can I get an Amen? I bit the bullet and called my doc and have bronchitis and a sinus infection on top of my asthma being out of control.

We had the mom's Halloween party this past Saturday night. It ended up only being 5 of us I think, but we had fun and played taboo. I just love that game! I used what I had an made myself into a gypsy.

On Sunday, we had our family Halloween party. OMG back to back. Plus this is when I started feeling yucky. Maddox was a little temper tantrum KING too so that was icing on my cupcake, y'all.
He was a little Charlie Brown for the party.

Maddox is just growing so fast. I hate it and love it at the same time. Tonight he was so stinkin cute.
He LOVES cake. I mean, devours it and uhm and yums all over the place. He said, "mama, more cake?" and I said, "no, that is the last piece baby". He replied with, "Last piece? On no! That cant be!". How funny is he? HAHAHA.

What does the fox say?

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Goodbye, Friend.

I said goodbye to a sweet Arizona friend and it makes my heart sad. When we moved here, I had no one except my husband and our 11 day old son. No one. I had no one to talk to, to help me, to just listen to me, or to laugh and drink coffee with. I was completely friendless in AZ.

I don't know if you have experienced child birth or its after effects, but for me, I was horridly nervous and scared. I was very withdrawn and felt really alone. It could have to do with being in a new city with a tiny baby or not. I am not sure.

Anyway, after a few months, I found a mom group and started going, scary as it was to me at the time. I slowly made acquaintances and then a few friends and my world was a happier place. I need my girlfriends and girl time. I have always been a social person... on the days that I am not a homebody ;) HA.

This friend that moved was one of the few that was in my circle. My inner circle. I did not ever see her as much as I wanted because she traveled a lot with her family and to her extended family but when she was here it was great. She is great. She is kind, worldly, intelligent, funny, and giving. She is the kind of friend that I want to be. She is real, honest and direct without being rude or mean. She is a true and genuine soul and I am proud to call her my friend.

We celebrated her with a nice dinner at The Melting Pot. We had fun at the farm and then she and I hung out while we packed up some more of her house the day before she left for her new adventure. I will treasure her as part of my life and always consider her a sweet kindred spirit.


Tuesday, October 1, 2013



Did you get that? :)

Here are some cute things I have been pinning. Are you as obsessed with Pinterest as I am?

Fresh Apple Cake with Cinnamon frosting.. Uhm, get in my belly!

Awesome motor skill activity for toddlers--plus they can eat their craft in the process.

I know we are not into the Fall holidays, but this DIY reindeer is super cute and needs to make an appearance in my home!

Comfy, casual, fun, and with pearls, anything goes!
I am constantly telling myself this. I mean 1,000,000 times a day. This plus they are only little once & how much I will miss this when he is older.
Go ahead, dance like nobody's watching.... it is almost Hump Day after all.....