Friday, August 30, 2013

~Five on Friday PARTAY~

Five on Friday link up with the girls is back again. Hi ladybugs!

My son is the most athletic little tiny human I have ever seen. No really. We cannot go anywhere that has some sort of sport that people don't go out of their way to come up and comment on it. It is crazy. Tonight we went out to support our future High School and their first home football game.
Cuteness galore as he cheered and rooted on the boys!

Pumpkin Spice Lattes are back at Starbuck's. Need I say more? Hello and come to mama maybe ;)

I love a good giveaway and right now you can go to Blue Eyed Bride and to Kelly's Korner to talk about how you keep your little ones healthy. They are talking all about Doc McStuffin's, her adorable show and giving away $100 Visa Giftcard. You can earn two entries, I am earning one right now by just telling you guys that you can get one too!  I don't know about you mamas but I get that catchy little tune in my head EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

This video of Maddox just melts my heart. He wants to watch himself over and over and over again on my phone. Our tv is a "smart" tv and has internet on it so I occasionally put his youtube channel up and he really loves it. HA. I think its pretty entertaining too, but I think I might be partial ;)

I am OBSESSED with Halloween and Fall right now. I have pinned about 7654 things and I am sure people are unfollowing me left and right on Pinterest. Sigh. I cannot help myself. We are doing a few Halloween events with the moms group I am part of and I need a costume. I am pretty sure I am going to attempt to be this scarecrow. I searched Walmart for the right orange and came up empty but luckily Dollar Tree gets me and they had 2 great oranges and I scooped both up. I might even go practice now! I also really think this VS costume is cute, easy and clever!

Later babes,

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


A little bit of this and that....

A few little life hacks that I love:

When cutting green onions, don't use a knife like I used to for years. No, dear, you are doing it all wrong. Use your scissors! Those little puppies cut time in more than half. It is amazing that I have not done this my whole life. Knife schmife!

When you are bored at the computer, do a Google image search for Atari breakout. You are welcome.

Grab a saucepan and add some water, vanilla and cinnamon and cook on low. You can also use cinnamon, clover and allspice. Makes your kitchen and nearby rooms smell good.

A few little odd things about me:

I sleep with a lot of pillows.
I always rinse my hair in cold water.
I use apple cider vinegar to rid heartburn.
I take a nap nearly every day.

Other things:

I have a new Mongolian beef recipe in the crock pot today and my house smells like PF CHANG'S. I really hope it is good because I love Mongolian beef. Last night we had a big rain storm. It was glorious. The skies opened up and just poured. I still am not pregnant. It's only been about 6 weeks but it feels like a lifetime. I brought out a ton of vitamins and started taking them. Exercise is happening now too. My friend told me today that she is about 4 weeks along. I was so happy for her, and sad for me. That doesn't feel like a good friend. I want to just be happy. we have changed our boy name. Our girl name is the same. I am excited for Halloween now. I love being able to see Maddox get dressed up. I never was big on that holiday till we had a kid. Seems that changes most things.

Enough rambling...

Friday, August 23, 2013

Five on Friday Link Up

Better late than never I say...

We got our family photos in yesterday. I was really happy with them. I like getting our photos done and seeing how times have changed. One month and 20 months.

We went to Party City after dinner tonight and scored 2 costumes for $10 at their clearance event. HOLLA! One will fit this year and the other one will hopefully fit next year, if not, it is cute just for dress up.

We went to a place called Imagination Avenue today. It is a little place that has set up a wooden town. There is a store, jail, home depot, post office, dr office, cafĂ©, ect. A couple things: a) it really needs sprucing up b) it is super far from where I live --however, Maddox had fun and so did the other kids and that is what it comes down to at the end of the day. Am I right?

I am so into a Fall mode. What is the point of September? Patience? I don't know. I want to fast forward and have pumpkins everywhere and see new things on the Starbuck's menu.

I found a recipe for oatmeal breakfast bars using ultra ripe bananas and 2 packets of fruit flavored oatmeal. They smelled like cotton candy when we were done. However, they looked undercooked, but rubbery and Maddox didn't eat them. I saved them to try tomorrow again... maybe sitting overnight (in an airtight container, sheesh) will be good for them.


Happy Weekend,

Saturday, August 17, 2013

It's raining friends

I have been so lucky lately with friends visiting me. It started last week when I randomly and very last minute asked my friend to come stay with me while my husband attended a work conference. To my surprise, and hers I think, she came out the next day. Woohoo!

Now this weekend, another friend is here with her son! He is going to be going to the Cardinals pre-season game vs the Cowboys today with a friend and she and I are going to do a fun girls day filled with pedicures, Mexican food and margaritas. Yum.

Where are my handsome husband and my gorgeous baby you ask? They are up visiting my MIL for the day. That is totally bittersweet by the way. I cried after they left. I have never been away from him where I didn't run to the store or something and left them at home. This time, with him leaving me with an empty nest, mama shed tears. HOWEVER, it will be nice to spend the day with my friend and besides, they will be home in the early evening.

What are you up to this weekend?

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Foul Balls and Photos

I had the ladies over for a double dip night. Everyone brought a dip to share and then we went into the pool to chillax. I just deleted chill and relax to retype chillax. Anyone else do silly things like that? We had a good night. It was fun to just hang out at home and be with friends. I will not lie, I had a bottle of wine to myself. Sadly, I didn't really feel drunk and I barely drink. Very odd. I really feel fortunate to come across and to have found a group of mamas that I can talk to and call friends. So much so, that I just joined another group and I hope to expand my circle. I am crossing my fingers for the best, but so far there is one thing posted in that other group... hhmmm.

We went to see the Dbax on Wednesday afternoon. Maddox had to have his batting helmet and bat. The entire game. He was SO good.. especially since the game went into 14 innings (we finally WON!) The guy next to us caught a foul ball and gave it to Maddox. He was so happy to have it. He even put his hat & bat down!

Today we went to get family pictures taken. Finally. Meant to do that for 18 months, not 20. Whoops.
Me and little boy took some practice shots in the morning. He is so handsome. I just cannot imagine life before him. He really is my joy.

I will post some of our new photos when we get them back next week! :)

Have a great Thursday,

Monday, August 12, 2013

Something found.

I found this from 2008... wanted to share so that I could keep it. It is about my father who passed away when I was 14.


I miss you.
I miss hearing your voice. I miss your hands and I miss your hugs. I miss your stories. I miss your smell. I miss your everything. I miss seeing you and mom together. I miss our vacations and I miss you on the lawnmower. I miss you cooking dinner, I miss you grilling out. I miss you.
I miss seeing you after everyone else had gone to bed. I miss how you used to read everything you could get your hands on. I miss how proud you were of me and how you were always the safe hold for me. I miss holidays. I miss hunting for Easter eggs, and I miss making up stories on how we had more animals when mom came home than when she left. I miss you.
I was listening to a song today and I started crying because all I could do was think about you and how it was our story. I miss you. I miss you more than I can even imagine. You went away and I wasn't ready for it. You went away and I didn't know you were going to never come back. I remember falling and I remember getting sent away. I remember that place. I remember the morgue and I remember people calling and coming to see us. I remember the private ceremony and screaming to god.
I miss you. Today is a bad day. I wont cry though. I never let myself cry anymore

Friday, August 9, 2013

Five on Friday

EEK, my favorite link up. Well it is the only link up I do, but I will claim it as a fave....

1.) Is it a surprise to you that I love scouting Goodwill stores? I do. When I was a kid, we would go all of the time. My dad loved to go and "look" -aka come home with a ton of stuff we didn't need and only a few things we did. As a young adult, you couldn't pay me to go in. Now as an older adult, I love to browse. Me and little boy will just peruse all the isles.

2.) My friend left and I was a but sad after. She has known me so long and has seen all the struggles and heartbreak I have been through and now sees me with my sweet husband and son. It is such a 180 and she is able to tell me that. I like that she knows me. I can be myself with her.

3.) On the same token, that also meant my darling came home. Amazing how quickly you miss someone. 4 days is too long. He said that little man looked so big.


4.) I went all over tarnation searching for cowboy boots today. I have wide feet and fat calves. It was a difficult task.

5.) I have Essie Butler Please on my toes and love it!

Have a fun Friday,

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

MOH in the PHX

My husband is on a work conference this week... SO, one of my best friends came to see me and Maddox for the week! It was so last minute (really, like 12 hours before!) and so needed!
She was my MOH in our wedding too. Such a lovely.

We have been just catching up and hanging out. The vino has been flowing. We made an "emergency" pit stop at Nothing Bundt Cakes. OMG, if you have never, you need to correct that ASAP. Heaven on Earth. We made a spinach pizza last night, had a tray of brie and crackers, wine and cup bundt cakes with Sex and the City. Perfect.

It has been super over cast in PHX, so we took little guy to the park. He is just loving to be outside again. Well, it is short lived as it is still summer in Arizona, but yesterday was perfection.

Happy hump day!

Friday, August 2, 2013

5 on Friday- Just one of those days

It is still in the 11pm hour in Arizona.. so I can still participate in 5 on Friday. It has just been one of THOSE days.

1.) Maddox was up at 3am. The monitor just started going off...He was talking and laughing and just having a grand ole time. Who knows. Not my sweet sleeping husband. He asked why I was so tired this morning. Uhm, because our son was up at 3am. M would get quiet for a few moments, then back to talking away. I finally got him in the 5 am hour but he laid down. Then by 6:30, up again. Just one of those days.

2.) We went to Skyzone today for toddler power hour. It is a trampoline spot and is so much fun. Today though....the gate was missing from the toddler jump area. Maddox kept telling me bye and trying to go down the stairs to leave. Just one of those days.

3.) He finally fell asleep for nap at 1pm and Mama took complete advantage and napped too. It was just one of those days.

4.) We booked my mama a flight to come out and go to Disneyland with us over Maddox's 2nd birthday (and her 63rd birthday!) I was so happy, I was in tears. Just one of those days.

5.) My sweet mama said she missed me so much today. She snuck away during a busy moment at work to just send me a text to let me know she was thinking of me and loved me so much. It was just one of those days.


Thursday, August 1, 2013

Liebster Nomination right here! Hey!

I got nominated for a Liebster Award! Well that is pretty cool. Nadine over at
My Once Upon a Time nominated me and I am throwing her a virtual hug!

A Liebster Award is recognition to the small time blogger (who wishes they were big?!). Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome. Honored to be a part.

The "rules" are to nominate 11 small bloggers with 200 or less followers, answer the 11 questions of the person that nominated you, and to ask 11 questions that those who you nominate must answer. You are not supposed to nominate who nominated you. Insert side note here: I may not know 11 small bloggers.. I hope that does not disqualify me....

These are the 11 questions Nadine asked:

1.) Where do you see yourself 1 year from now?
Hopefully with two little kiddos running around.

2.) Beach or Mountains?
Eek, I love both...I will say beach today though. It sounds like Heaven to be sitting in the cool sand with waves crashing and cool breezes rolling in.

3.) If you had to eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Aye. I don't know! Maybe Honey Nut Cheerios.

4.) What is your idea of the perfect date?
A cabin in the snowy mountains. Fire crackling. Champagne. Me & Hubs.

5.) What is the first thing you do in the morning?
Turn off the baby monitor and then use the bathroom.

6.) What is the last thing you do at night?
7.) What TV show could you watch over and over?
Golden Girls, I Love Lucy, Frasier
8.) If you had to live in a different country, where would you want to live?
I would live about anywhere for a bit! I think I would like Paris or Rome.
9.) If you were stranded on a deserted island, what is the one thing you would bring?
If Naked and Afraid has taught me anything, I would bring fire starter.
10.) What's your favorite holiday?
Now that I have Maddox, Christmas.
11.) What is the one thing I can always find in your refrigerator?
My nominees, in no particular order:
Growing with Grabbie
Tea Time with Tess
A&E's Adventures
Our Family

And with that, I definitely need to find more small blogs to love... Sad sad sad that I don't have 11. I have a few big blogs... but they are HUGE bloggers. Ya know, those spectacular few that we all kind of aspire to be one day? Yep, those.

My 11 questions:

1.) What are your favorite blogs to follow?
2.) What is your go-to crockpot meal on a busy day?
3.) Guilty food pleasure?
4.) Last time you wrote an actual letter and mailed it?
5.) What is the weirdest thing in your purse right now?
6.) What book are you currently reading?
7.) Favorite TV show to watch?
8.) What is the BIGGEST thing on your bucket list?
9.) Do you need silence or noise when you sleep?
10.) Are you a napper?
11.) If you met you, what would be the first thing you noticed?

Good luck lovelies!
