Friday, September 27, 2013

Five Five Five

My son is being a terrible sleeper again. He woke up at midnight and stayed up til 4am. Then woke up for the day at 7am. Me and the hubs are exhausted. I think it is his teeth. He acts fine. I don't know. I am just so tired. Being a mom really is the hardest job in the world.

Wednesday night was date night. We needed it and we had fun. We went to a place that was doing a 4 course dinner paired with Arizona wines. It was really good but we left hungry.The first course was scallops-- they were amazing. But with only 2 of the teeny tiny scallops on your plate, you really wanted more. Ya feel me?

I have been really enjoying seeing friends this week. Wednesday we met a friend and her son for lunch and Thursday was another friends birthday. I took her lunch and a small gift of face masks and bath salts and another of our friends surprised her and came with me. It was a fun morning/afternoon and I treasure those friend dates.

Pretty random, but since it gets so hot in Arizona, I am super excited to have cold water back :)
It really is the little things.

Uhm. Hello Nashville and Gray's Anatomy premiers! I am loving my fall shows back!


Monday, September 23, 2013

Oh the weather outside is delightful.

The weeks have merged together for me.... You? I find myself so busy doing nothing it seems.

Our son, the normally good sleeper, has been waking up in the middle of the night. That makes for a really long day. He is teething and this is the first time that he has really made a fuss about it. The molars. Poor guy. He wants to be snuggled and held a lot.. and I am ok with that. I love me some baby snuggles.

The weather--- is everyone talking about it? I mean C'MON- freaking b e a u t i f u l.
Took advantage at the park (and Yes, baby boy is in his 4th of July tee-don't hate)

Took a trip up to Prescott to visit grandma and went to lunch on Whiskey Row. Walked around. Played with leaves, and had a good time in the b e a u t i f u l weather again!


I had to celebrate Fall a little bit. I mean it dipped below 100. I made a big pot of chicken noodle soup a couple days ago and a big pot of chili today. What can I say? I am Tish and I love soup.

Hope you are loving the beginning of Fall too...

Monday, September 16, 2013

Cherish today

Today has been a long day and it is only 10:52 am.  Maddox woke up at 3:30am wide awake. He kept saying "ball game mama, ball game" to which I had to keep repeating there was no ball game. It was sleeping time. He proceeded to put his batting helmet on and run bases. Awesome. I put him back in his bed around 4:15. No such luck Charlie Brown. He screamed and cried and screamed some more.
Now, I should have prefaced that he is normally a really good sleeper. If you follow me on twitter you would know that last night after he hugged and kissed us goodnight, he then waved and told us bye and we left his room.

He finally fell asleep for an hour, but I was woken up by a phone call that broke my heart. I won't get into details yet, but life is too fragile. It is too short and you just never know what each day can bring.
With that, I have tried to be better today as I am picking the bags under my eyes off the ground, and trying to drown my headache in coconut water and ibuprofen. I am trying to remember it is all too precious to waste and to play with my son and to hold him and if he wakes up at 3am, to let him. I am a stay at home mom and while it may be uncomfortable for the day, soon, I will miss those moments with him.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Do ya?


Fabulous Five!

Link up to the girls for Five on Friday!

I have lunch today with a sweet friend and her son. Is it at a fastfood place with a playland-yes. Is that ok? Sure. Otherwise we would never get any talking done :)They are moving next month and I am trying to sneak in as much time as I can get between life, her packing and oh, life. For those of you single ladies or ladies sans the kiddos, leisurely lunches rarely happen with little people!

My husband booked me an hour Swedish massage for the afternoon. Ah. The bliss is awaiting me!

Dinner is via the crockpot tonight. Chili Colorado. It is easy peasy. Dump a can of enchilada sauce, a couple beef bullion cubes, stew meat. Let the crockpot do her pretty job. The rolls up with beans and cheese in tortillas, broil a few minutes, open a corona, and enjoy!

I am loving Essie Boudreaux on my toes as we ease into Fall. Granted, in AZ, Fall does not come for a LONG time still--I am planning a pool party for tomorrow afternoon--but I like to pretend.

Speaking of Fall, I am about sick to death of summer clothes. I am ready for jeans, sweaters, layers and boots. Sigh! C'mon!


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Taking food to a new Mom

Taking food to a new mama:

I am an assistant organizer for a Mom's group. I really like being able to look at our calendar and have things to do with Maddox nearly every day if I want to. Something else special we do is "Meals for Mommies". If a mom has had a major surgery or a new baby, we take her 5 meals. I wish that I had that luxury during my time home with Maddox. We were crazy busy and packing and there was NO down time to just enjoy being a new family. I am sad about that, but we are in our new state and our new home and all is well.

For my meal, I had several components. I started with a tried and true casserole. I love a casserole because it is easy, usually has all of the meal in one dish, and can be frozen, or cooked that night --oh and leftovers are easy peasy. I added a loaf of French bread to accompany my casserole. I did not need to add any sides since my casserole had chicken, rice and broccoli. Voila. A must is a throw away container. Run to the Dollar Tree or Walmart and grab a foil one so there is no need to return dishes. I added 3 paper plates, napkins, and throw away utensils so that mama didn't need to worry about clean up at all.

Was I done there? I could have been I guess. But, where is the fun in that? I baked some yummy chocolate chip muffins. Muffins are good because mama can eat that one handed, and they can also be used for snacks or a quick breakfast. I then put in a container of strawberries for some more sweetness and I figured her 2 two year old would like them too.

Speaking of her two year old, I made a quick little snack bag for him with cheese nips, pretzel sticks and marshmallows (one of Maddox's favorites) and also a little crayon pack with coloring sheets. He felt special getting them and told me thank you with a huge smile.

I wrapped up a sweet little pj set for tiny man and I was done.

Easy, quick, pretty inexpensive and you just made the day of a family with a new baby.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Little man is 21months

Is there much in life better than hearing the sounds of laughter and happiness coming from your child? I really cannot think of anything. Giggles and smiles from that little guy really melt me.

He is 21 months now. He is till obsessed with balls. Baseball, Basketball. Football. Loves them all. Knows logos. It is weird. He is so little but just knows. All he does all day is want to shoot hoops or play catch. He runs bases and scores touch downs. He is preparing for 2 a days. He seems to prefer watching and playing baseball to football for now.

He is talking much more. I love hearing his little voice and opinions.
He says "Are you seeus?" (serious), calls 2 of our 4 dogs by name now "Nolna" and "Nam" (Lola and Sam), he definitely knows ball, ballgame, got it, he got it, you got it, mama, dah-deeeee, (daddy), and so many more, those are his favorites though. Oh and nope, no, top (stop) and hot!

He loves watching baseball games. It is the only thing that calms him down. He also knows if you have your cellphone and throws a fit till you put it down to play catch with him. He will also turn the tv off to get your undivided attention. Yup, so there is that.

His favorite book is still Ten In the Bed. He has SO many books, but that is the only one he ever brings us to read him. I buy him books all the time. He has a huge basket full. Only that one.

He basically only wants chicken nuggets most nights. Sigh. Fail. He does love spaghetti though. IF, and only if, it is with real spaghetti noodles. Don't try to use cutsy pasta for the boy or he wont touch it. He wants big people cups, and spills all the time. Luckily, it is always water so that helps I guess. He loves snacks nad fruit. He lives for yogurt and loves cereal and milk.

He is wearing a size 4 diaper, is about 27 pounds I would guess since he was 25 pounds at his 18m check up. He has so much character and charm. I just adore him to pieces. He really has our hearts.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Grown ups and the drive in.

Labor Day weekend has been full. Saturday night was a grown up night out. We met several friends at a bowling alley and just had such a good time. We drank way too much, danced like fools up and down the lanes and just enjoyed each others company.

Today we lounged all day... probably as a result of last night, even though we were home at 11pm. Lame. However, we did shower finally and head to the drive in. Maddox loves the drive in. We are pretty sure that he wonders why that isn't in his own backyard lol. We saw We Are the Miller's. It was good. Not as good as the hub thought, but it was a good movie. Better than I thought.

Tomorrow... well, other than 2 trees being delivered at ah hem... 6AM, the day is open for possibilities.

Check ya later dolls!