Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Oh Please: Giveaways I entered and Grown Up's

My little guy slept in till 8:15 this morning. I wish that was good news, but it just meant that he doesn't feel well. Teething. He is pretty calm about it all but his poor nose is a runny sniffly mess, he is tried, he runs low fevers and he is just generally a little more moody.

I wont lie though, it was kind of nice to be up before him and to sleep in.

After waking up, he ran to the backyard slider and said "mommy, mama, oh please".  How could I resist that? We went outside and blew bubbles and played blocks and he ran. I played candy crush. I started playing it yesterday. Big mistake. I like it. I don't have to wait for friends to spell words. I can just play solo. Hey! I have never played a game like that before. I was never sucked in, but I kept seeing all my grown up friends play, and I was a sheep. Bahhh.

Speaking of grown up friends.. do you have those few friends who always seem more grown up than you? Like you always feel like a kid around? Not in a bad way really, but they just seem like grown up's... what ever that means. I have some and it feels weird. Not good or bad. Just weird. Just me?

Wanted to throw out a few giveaways that I have recently entered: spread the love right?
I read Christin's blog over at The Southern Wife and she is giving away a pretty two tone Skagen watch. Then I popped over to The Blue Eyed Bride's page and she has the mother load of a Mother's Day giveaway happening. Woo whee. Too many things to even mention. I always stop by to see what Kelly and her sweet girls are doing at Kelly's Korner and she is having a Sherwin Williams giveaway too but I didn't enter that one because we aren't in the market right now. Go. Win. Good luck :)


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