Five on Friday
{1} Summer time is lots of popsicles and lots of pool and plash pad time around here. Little man loves both so much. He wakes up wanting a pop. I have to convince him that breakfast is first... and maybe lunch then pop. He doesn't like that order ;)
{2} Today is the anniversary of my Father In Law's passing. He was such a sweet man and my husband just isn't the same without him. I grieve for my sweet husband and his loss. I lost my dad almost 19 years ago and still find moments that I want to run to him. I remember the pain and agony at year 2 and don't wish it on my worst enemy.
{3} While Arizona is beautiful and has many upsides, the biggest downside to ME is the fact that my son almost stepped on a scorpion in our kitchen this morning. I thought it was a piece of our carpet and went to pick it up-- and it started scurrying along. I grabbed what was closest to me-- a spatula-- and killed it. And broke my spatula. We get our house sprayed every month but those suckers are just invaders.
{4}We got Netflix. I know that I am years behind the times. I think my husband may want to cancel it already because I temporarily lost my mind and was so sucked into Orange Is the New Black that I watched both seasons in like 3 days. I really could not do anything else. I need a new show to suck me in... and maybe him too so he doesn't cancel it ;) HA.
{5} I have been going to the Goodwill and picking up books lately. I don't prefer real books anymore though sadly. I want the ebooks. I am trying though. I have a stack by my bed that I am determined to read. Such a first world problem. Can I get an AMEN.
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