Saturday, January 21, 2012

Everyday Mundane

This week has seemed to fly by... and drag at the same time. Does that make any sense? I asked my husband on the ride home if it "was only Saturday"... yet I feel that I have had no time this week.

Tuesday was the hub's birthday as you may have read. We went downtown to Pizzeria Bianco. Neither of us had been there before, but it always has rave reviews-- and people have said that they have waited in line for literally hours to get in to eat. We sat down right away at about 5pm. It was a cute little place-- tiny as can be. You can see it here. There was a party of 2 that came in and wanted to eat-- and they were told that they had to wait. The lady pointed to the 4 top right next to us and the waitress said that was for a party of 4 not a party of 2 and that she was more than welcome to go next door to the Bar Bianco and they would phone over when her table was ready. The lady then proceeded to say that they would just wait at the bar in the restaurant, but she was told no also. The waitress said no, that was for dining and the bar was for the bar. It sounds snotty but really the place was that small. Very good, we wished we had leftovers for home!
Of course we had to get dressed up to go.

Afterwards we just walked all around down there. We had to snap a shot of Maddox's first time at the stadium.

Wednesday and Thursday were blurs. Yesterday we went grocery shopping and picked up a couple dvd's for the night. We rented Mr. Popper's Penguins and Water For Elephants. MPP was cute and I really enjoyed WFE. I had the book at one point, but never got around to reading it, now I wish that I would have!

Today we spent the day out and about. We headed over to Westgate to walk around and go to a movie. It was Maddox's 2nd movie outing. We watched Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. It was a good movie, but kind of a downer we decided. We wanted to take some pictures while we were down there so you get one of each of us.. because when we try to do self-family shots they end up like this:

Then to our surprise a sweet onlooker saw us and offered to snap a shot of the 3 of us.

 Afterwards we had to snap Maddox in front of the arena. Ahh, the firsts of a sports fanatics baby boy! You are destined to be a sports lover Mad :)

Now we are home and I need to work on still unpacking the nursery and my part of the closet.. joy.


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