One month ago tomorrow we moved to Phoenix. The day was a memorable one to say the least.
1. It was my dads birthday. Happy Birthday Dad. Miss you-- He passed away in 1995. Wow, just typing 1990 anything makes it seem soooo long ago right?
2. I got my staples out from my c-section. I got yelled at by my Dr. for driving myself to Arizona from Vegas. She knew I was moving-- what did she think we were doing? She said that she thought we would tow my car behind my husbands. I asked her how we would fit a baby, 4 dogs, 2 adults and all the stuff we needed till the moving truck made it the next day in only 1 car. She said she didnt approve. Too bad. I didnt have a choice.
3. I moved out of the first home that I bought all by myself. I moved from the town I had lived in for the past 10 years. I left all of my friends behind. I quit my job. It was a very emotional day for me for many reasons. On one hand, I was so excited to move to Phoenix with my hub and new baby. I loved the new home we had bought. I wanted my hub to be closer to his parents and my baby to be closer to one set of grandparents. But on the other hand, I was leaving my home. The place I had made my own. The place I became an adult in. The place I had met my husband. The place we fell in love. The places we got married in and where I was pregnant in. Tears of sadness and happiness fell as we drove off.
4. I drove the 6 hours to Phoenix while following my husband. I had a tiny, almost 2 week old baby and 2 small dogs in my backseat. He had the 2 big dogs in his. It was dark and I was constantly worried if the baby was ok.
5. Maddox is a great car rider. He falls asleep. Which is great for the most part-- when I cant see him, it is a little nerve racking! We stopped a few times and I was able to check on him and of course feed him.. and change him. I really should write a letter to the Wendy's parking lot that we threw 2 diapers in the parking lot of and tell them that I am sorry, and that I dont usually litter. I felt so bad about it. They were very, very messy and it was very, very cold outside. No excuses though. Dont litter.
He slept all the way till a half hour before we arrived at our new home. Then he screamed. A half hour generally isnt a long time, but a screaming baby makes a half hour seem like 12. He was hungry and wanted held, but we were so close. We kept going with tears streaming down my face. I kept reaching in the back to put the pacifier in his mouth. He kept spitting it out. The cycle continued for 30 minutes.
6. We arrived at our new home. It was just as beautiful as I remembered. I hadnt been here since we bought it in October since I was so pregnant and wasnt able to fly or drive out of state anymore.
7. Let the fun begin! A smoke alarm was beeping. We had nothing to reach and change it till the movers arrived.... in 12 hours. One dog fell into the pool. She is mostly blind and has never been in a pool before. My husband threw off his clothes and was getting ready to make the rescue, but she finally got close enough to the edge that he could grab her. Two dogs rolled in the grass, which must have been seeded with manure because they smelled like a farm. We couldn't get the hot water heater to work so there was no way to give the dogs a bath. We had to make a blockade so that the wouldnt get onto the carpet or the blankets we had to sleep on the floor with that night. They didnt like that idea one bit. It was a long, comical, sleepless night in the new house.
A month later, we are getting very settled in. It kind of feels like we have been here monthS. We bought and got our bedroom furniture delivered-- and most of the sectional delivered. We have most of the boxes unpacked. The baby still sleeps in our room, but his room is 80% unpacked. All of our artwork is still wrapped up and in the soon to be formal dining room. I think when we get that and our family photos hung on the wall, it will feel more homey here to me. I love our paint color and almost dont want to hang anything up though. Crazy, I know. But, anywhere these 2 fellas are... that is my home.
I have a little baby who needs snuggled back to sleep now, so till next time....
xo, Tish
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