Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Sauce and Mommy Club

I gave in. I called the dentist for more meds and to check on myself to see if this was supposed to still be swollen and sore. I didn't feel as bad as I thought that I would.

Are ya'll using Viggle? It is an ap that you use from your phone to check into what you are watching on TV to earn points to redeem gift cards. They give you 1500 just to sign up so you aren't starting from 0. There are cards from sephora, Starbucks, best buy and so forth. I have 3600+ points and I have just been using a few days. They even have a "featured shows" option that you can get some serious points. I got 420 points for watching The Bachelorette. Bonus.

 We made burgers last night. I used a new sauce. Was delish. I also recently started toasting my kaiser rolls--not hamburger buns--on the stove top with a little spray butter.  You get such a wonderful little crunch on the bread. Yum.

The sauce: You mix Mayo, Ketchup, Worstercer Sauce and Season Salt.
The recipe I saw was 3/4 cup Mayo, 1/4 cup Ketchup and 2 Tblsp Wors Sauce and then Season Salt to your taste BUT that would make a boatload. We didn't need a boatload, so I kinda just eyed it and tasted it till it was right. It added just the right kick.

My son was miserable last night. I didn't get to sleep. I joined the Mommy's who don't get to sleep club last night. My poor guy just couldn't get comfortable. He was in his bed for about an hour and started screaming. I held him. That is what he wanted. I tried to move him to get a little more comfortable. He screamed. I couldn't move him an inch. He wanted as close to me as he could get. I finally got him in his bed-- well his bed that was in our room. He woke up an hour later. He wanted to be held and to be fed. So out of his character. One of my fb friends said that was bc I bragged on him about sleeping. I haven't bragged. He is just a good little sleeper. Since he was born, he sleeps through the night. He takes a good nap. When he was in my belly, they had to use the zapper to wake him up and sometimes that didn't work. They would have to feed me. Ha. That sounded funny. He just is a good little sleeper. Both mama and daddy like their sleep too. So last night, was way out of the norm for him.
His little teeth are getting big. I know that has to be what is causing his distress. I feel helpless. I know I will get through it as all of you mamas have. Still hurts my heart to hear him and see him so upset. 

He has his 6 month check up today. December 5-June 5. Little boy is growin growin.

xo, Tish

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