Saturday, August 17, 2013

It's raining friends

I have been so lucky lately with friends visiting me. It started last week when I randomly and very last minute asked my friend to come stay with me while my husband attended a work conference. To my surprise, and hers I think, she came out the next day. Woohoo!

Now this weekend, another friend is here with her son! He is going to be going to the Cardinals pre-season game vs the Cowboys today with a friend and she and I are going to do a fun girls day filled with pedicures, Mexican food and margaritas. Yum.

Where are my handsome husband and my gorgeous baby you ask? They are up visiting my MIL for the day. That is totally bittersweet by the way. I cried after they left. I have never been away from him where I didn't run to the store or something and left them at home. This time, with him leaving me with an empty nest, mama shed tears. HOWEVER, it will be nice to spend the day with my friend and besides, they will be home in the early evening.

What are you up to this weekend?

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