Friday, August 23, 2013

Five on Friday Link Up

Better late than never I say...

We got our family photos in yesterday. I was really happy with them. I like getting our photos done and seeing how times have changed. One month and 20 months.

We went to Party City after dinner tonight and scored 2 costumes for $10 at their clearance event. HOLLA! One will fit this year and the other one will hopefully fit next year, if not, it is cute just for dress up.

We went to a place called Imagination Avenue today. It is a little place that has set up a wooden town. There is a store, jail, home depot, post office, dr office, cafĂ©, ect. A couple things: a) it really needs sprucing up b) it is super far from where I live --however, Maddox had fun and so did the other kids and that is what it comes down to at the end of the day. Am I right?

I am so into a Fall mode. What is the point of September? Patience? I don't know. I want to fast forward and have pumpkins everywhere and see new things on the Starbuck's menu.

I found a recipe for oatmeal breakfast bars using ultra ripe bananas and 2 packets of fruit flavored oatmeal. They smelled like cotton candy when we were done. However, they looked undercooked, but rubbery and Maddox didn't eat them. I saved them to try tomorrow again... maybe sitting overnight (in an airtight container, sheesh) will be good for them.


Happy Weekend,


  1. I'm in the same fall-loving boat as you are Tish!! My middle name is Autumn (literally) so I think it's ingrained in me to love the season. Also, my last name is Apple so maybe loving the apple-harvesting season is also ingrained in me! I love the picture of the leaf with the heart in it :)


  2. Your name is Bailey Autumn Apple? Sounds like you should be famous! ;)
    Thanks for stopping by and commenting, I really appreciate it!
