Saturday, June 22, 2013

Summer colds

I've been sick this week. After I left the Dr. I was fine... on Wednesday morning, I woke up with a tickle in my throat.. by Wednesday night, I was done. Sore throat, congestion. Normally I can sleep when I am sick. I sleep enough and I wake up typically feeling fine. Noo--oohh. Not this time. I have insomnia + sickness. That is not a good mix my friends. Sigh.

Today I am feeling a bit better, but not 100% yet. Still very snotty and congested. Hot-- I know. :)

First day of summer will be doing a little napping hopefully, a few laps in the pool and a little bit of shopping. Tonight I am making a crockpot chili. I know it is 115 degrees out, but I dont mind. It is the crockpot afterall. Besides browning the beef, I have to do nothing but eat a yummy soup later tonight.

I looked for a good some- ecard to apply here but I didnt find one and I wasted 20 minutes.


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